Mathematical Quiz

First Quiz

For the number 123456,
how can the number be represented by the multiplication of prime numbers and/or the exponents of prime number?

For example: 123456 = A x B x C, where A, B, C are prime numbers or the power of a prime number.


1. Prime number is a number that can only be divided by 1 or itself, such as 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, ...
2. Exponent of number = the number to the power of an integer number,
i.e. 5 to the power 3:       53 = 5 x 5 x 5 (= 125)


Answer: 123456 = 3 x 26 x 643

Second Quiz

What are the decimal numbers that multiply with 37
to come up with a set of 3-digit numbers of 111, 222, ....?

Scroll down to see the answer.


Answer: A series of numbers 3, 6, 9, ..., 27

                            37   x     3  =  111
                            37   x     6  =  222
                            37   x     9  =  333
                            37   x    12  =  444
                            37   x    15  =  555
                            37   x    18  =  666
                            37   x    21  =  777
                            37   x    24  =  888
                            37   x    27  =  999

                    Equation:  37 x 3 x n =  111 x n           n=1,2,3,..., 9

Next Quiz

The product of 6 by 6 (6x6) = 36
And 66x6 = 396 and 666x6 = 3996.
                            6 x 6  =         36
                           66 x 6  =        396   
                          666 x 6  =       3996 
Then 6666 x 6 = ?

Scroll down to see the answer.


Answer: 39996

Interest Points of tne numbers 3, 6 & 9
The sum of 3 and 6 is 9 (3+6=9) and the product of n of 6 & 6 (n=1....) is recurring.
                            6 x 6 =              36
                           66 x 6 =             396   
                          666 x 6 =            3996 
                         6666 x 6 =           39996     
                        66666 x 6 =          399996      
                       666666 x 6 =         3999996                            
                      6666666 x 6 =        39999996
                 666666666666 x 6 =   3999999999996
                6666666666666 x 6 =  39999999999996
               66666666666666 x 6 = 399999999999996

Another puzzle?

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What is the number to multiple the series to produce a set of 6-digit numbers of 111111, 222222, ....?

                             ?   x     3  =  111111
                             ?   x     6  =  222222
                             ?   x     9  =  333333
                             ?   x    12  =  444444
                             ?   x    15  =  555555
                             ?   x    18  =  666666
                             ?   x    21  =  777777
                             ?   x    24  =  888888
                             ?   x    27  =  999999

Again, find the number without using a calculator.

Scroll down to see the answer.


Answer: 37037


Actually, the number 37 is quite peculiar. When a sequence of 37 and 0 is multiplied by the series, it produces a multiple-digit number of recurring numerals, like 1111111111, 2222222222, and so forth.

                        37037037   x     3  =  111111111
                        37037037   x     6  =  222222222
                        37037037   x     9  =  333333333
                        37037037   x    12  =  444444444
                        37037037   x    15  =  555555555
                        37037037   x    18  =  666666666
                        37037037   x    21  =  777777777
                        37037037   x    24  =  888888888
                        37037037   x    27  =  999999999

A philosophy professor of mine said it was possible to express the universe in a set of mathematical equations. For centuries, philosophers and astrologists have been pondering on simple arithmetic to find the secrets of the world. For the most just being curious, one can be amused at the wonder of numbers in drawing pictures.

Examples: Infinite pyramids of numerals divided by 3 x n (n = 1,2,3, ..., 9)
                             111  ÷  3   =  37
                          111111  ÷  3   =  37037
                       111111111  ÷  3   =  37037037
                    111111111111  ÷  3   =  37037037037
                 111111111111111  ÷  3   =  37037037037037
                                    and ...
              111111111.......11  ÷  3   =  370370...........37          

                             222  ÷  6   =  37
                          222222  ÷  6   =  37037
                       222222222  ÷  6   =  37037037
                    222222222222  ÷  6   =  37037037037
                 222222222222222  ÷  6   =  37037037037037
                                   and ... 
              222222222.......22  ÷  6   =  370370...........37          


In 1890, Ivan Panin, who was a Russian professor and mathematician and once tutored Albert Einstein, discovered the Greek text of the New Testament could be transformed into numbers. The Bible is originally written in Hebrew for the Old Testament and in Greek for the New Testament. The 24 Greek alphabets also represent the numbers, such as alpha for 1, beta for 2, ... then iota for 10, sigma for 200, ... etc..

For example, Jesus can be spelled as Iota (10) eta(8) sigma(200) omicron (70) nu (400) s(200). The sum of these numeric values is 888, and Christ is 1480. The numeric value of Jesus Christ is 2368, the addition of 888 and 1480.

                     2368      =      888  +    1480
 or                 37x8x8     =   37x8x3  +  37x8x5

After the letters, words, .., and paragraphs are translated into numerics, the texts take on a definite numerical pattern. Recently, the researchers uses his numeric technique also find the simialr patterns in non-biblical texts with the aid of a computer.



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